Hooked on Country Spring Fling Dance

Hooked on Country 3/11, $5 cover for the dance

Let’s dance into Spring! Jon will be teaching a line dance that is brand new for us: Gives Me Shivers (step sheet and demos at Copper Knob). Jay and Daniel will deejay. Come to learn; come to dance; come to watch. Visit with true friends and make new ones. We are inclusive, affirming and fun. 

The line dance line-up for the evening:

  1. Cupid Shuffle
  2. Wobble
  3. Church Clap
  4. Waltz Across Texas
  5. Gives Me Shivers
  6. Coffee (D.H.S.S)
  7. Reggae Cowboy
  8. Ghost Train
  9. Tahoe Kick
  10. Dizzy
  11. Hideway Cha
  12. Chill Factor

Bonus line dance: Aces & Eights. DC Rawhides has tutorials for many of these on the DC Rawhides YouTube channel.

Time: Friday, March 11, 7pm-11pm
Location: Hook Hall, 3400 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20010
Cost: Free to enter Hook Hall, $5 to enter dance floor