First 2022 Dance: WErk That Wig! Friday, January 14

The category is ... Wig Werk! Image shows photos modeling 11 fun wigs in various styles labeled Rainbow, Bambam, LaMane, Thee Pamela, GingeRay, Pornstache, French Court, Topper, Mindy, Valentina, and Dolly.

At our first dance in 2022, walk the dance floor in a way that embodies one of these wigs, and win a trophy! We supply the wigs, unopened and randomly assigned.

Time: Friday, January 14, 7-11pm (line dance lesson from 7 to 8, followed by open dancing)
Location: Hook Hall, 3400 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20010
Cost: Free to enter Hook Hall, $5 to enter dance floor